Frequently Asked Questions
What does islett mean and how do you say it?
Pronounced eye·let /ˈīlət/
It’s a combination of Liana’s daughters’ names [Scarlett + Isla]
Why is social media important?
The importance of social media is no longer a question, Instagram is the #1 media platform for people to discover new brands and build relationships with brands. Nearly half of people use Instagram to shop weekly.
Gen Z is increasingly using video formats like Reels & TikTok to discover new brands.
40% of Millennial TikTok users say the platform helps them discover new things.
Social media is a way for businesses and brands to interact with their customers on a more personal level leading to increased loyalty, more conversions and more traffic to your website.
Why should I spend money on social media?
We eat, sleep and breathe social media. You have a business to run. Your time is better spent doing what you know best. Hire us to do what we do best. We’ve spent six years developing methods, researching trends and tirelessly following top social media influencers. These findings are used to develop social media plans tailored to your business.
What are the benefits of social media?
Improved Brand Loyalty & Recognition
More Opportunities to Convert
Higher Conversion Rates
Higher Brand Authority
Increased Inbound Traffic
Decreased Marketing Costs
Better Search Engine Rankings
Richer Customer Experiences
Improved Customer Insights
Can I just do it myself?
Instagram, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, Yelp, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Google My Business, LinkedIn, Video Editing, Hooks, Hashtags, SMS, InDesign, Photo Editing, Photography, Content Creation, Contests, Klaviyo, Flodesk, Followers, Likes, Pins, Idea Pins, Snaps, Posts, Copywriting, Memes, Pop Culture, Call to Action, Link in Profile.
Overwhelmed yet?
If you would prefer to keep your marketing efforts in-house, we offer digital consulting.
How do I know if it is working?
We provide monthly reports with key takeaways and comments in real life like, “I heard about this place on Instagram.”
Still not convinced? Check out what one of our clients wrote for Grub Street:
“Despite their reservations, most high-end chefs have embraced social media wholeheartedly. Vartan Abgaryan, the chef and partner at 71Above in downtown Los Angeles, says that he has yet to see any real downside to Instagram in his kitchen or dining room. At first, he was charmed when he noticed people tagging their friends to make dinner plans in the comments of the pictures of food, before he realized what a powerful marketing tool was at his disposal and hired someone full time to manage and monitor his restaurant’s Instagram presence.”
How much does it cost?
We know that every business has different needs. We offer packages as well as customizable options for our clients on a monthly retainer.
When will I see results?
You’ll begin to see immediate results but the real magic happens after a consistent, systematic posting schedule over many months.
More than half of marketers with at least one year of social media experience were generating leads with social platforms.
More than 58% of marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer improved search engine rankings.
More than half of marketers who’ve been using social media for at least three years report it has helped them improve sales.
What is the difference between islett and having an employee run my social media?
We strive to get you the most exposure possible from each post. We’ve proven that we know the type of content that will garner the most attention and get people in your seats. We’ve spent 10 years developing methods we’ll use to develop a social media plan tailored to your business.